Length: 12.3km
Average gradient: 3.7%
Elevation gain: 450m
Located in the heart of the Grampians National Park, the climb up to Reeds Lookout is a gradual one with only one steep section at the very end. The climb to Reeds Lookout shares Mount Victory Road with the Boroka Lookout climb and as with Boroka Lookout, there are fantastic views to look forward to upon reaching the summit.
The start
The climb to Reeds Lookout begins at the northern edge of Halls Gap, at the intersection of the Grampians Road (C216) and Mount Victory Road (C222). If you are looking to set a personal best time, start your watch as soon as you turn onto Mount Victory Road.
The finish
The Reeds Lookout climb finishes at the helipad just up from the carpark. This can be accessed by taking a sharp right upon entering the car park, passing the boom gate and continuing up the last 200m to the top.
At a glance
- A mostly gentle climb with one steeper section and several flat sections.
- There’s a flat section roughly 1km long starting at the 5.5km mark.
- Turn left after 11.6km to continue the climb.
- After the left turn there’s a 500m stretch that approaches 10% gradient.
- Turn right after the boomgate to climb the final pinch to the summit.
Climb details
The climb to Reeds Lookout begins almost as soon as you turn on to Mount Victory Road. For the first 5.5km the road rises at a relatively consistent gradient of around 4% with the occasional corner tilting up a little bit more. At the 5.5km mark the road flattens out for a kilometre or so before resuming a relatively friendly gradient of about 1 in 25.
After passing the turn off to Boroka Lookout 9.1km in, the climb continues at a fairly pedestrian grade before flattening out for a couple hundred metres about 1km later.
After turning left at the 11.6km mark, you will encounter a 500m stretch approaching 10% which ends at the Reeds Lookout carpark. By turning sharply right past the boom gate, you can climb the last 200m to the helipad which is painted on the ground in white paint.
Reeds Lookout is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Grampians National Park in western Victoria and is best accessed from Halls Gap. If you are coming to the Grampians from Melbourne you have a three hour drive ahead of you and you should take the Western Highway through Ballarat and Ararat before taking the Ararat Pomonal Road (C222) and Grampians Road (C222) into Halls Gap.
If you want to see how your time to Reeds Lookout compares to others within the community, head over to the Strava segment for this climb.