The Wiggle Bendigo Belter 2012

We're all familiar with the popular and well-established recreational challenge rides in Victoria: Around the Bay in a Day, Amy's Gran Fondo, the Audax Alpine Classic ... and so on. But one ride you mightnt've heard of is Wiggle's Bendigo Belter ... and with good reason: Sunday's running of the event was the first Belter ever in Australia and the marketing around the event was minimal. Read more “The Wiggle Bendigo Belter 2012”

Guest post: Mt. Gambier to Melbourne in one day (436km)

Earlier this year, Dougie Hunt completed a 300km solo ride that had many of us in Team eQuipo tranQuilo shaking our heads in disbelief. So when he started sending out invites for a single-day ride from Mt. Gambier to Melbourne -- the best part of 440km -- there weren't too many takers. I knew Dougie was tough but this challenge, I thought, had to be beyond him (and most humans really). I should have known better. This is the story of one truly epic solo ride, as told by the Grinderman himself. Read more “Guest post: Mt. Gambier to Melbourne in one day (436km)”

Guest post: From Sydney to Melbourne in 5 days

Riding 200km in a day is a great effort on its own, let alone averaging 200km+ a day for five days. A couple weeks ago, Dougie 'Grinderman' Hunt and Matt 'Fletch' Fletcher set off from Sydney with the aim of getting back to Melbourne -- via a 1,100km coastal route -- in five days. This is the story of their journey, as told by Dougie, with photos from both he and Fletch. Read more “Guest post: From Sydney to Melbourne in 5 days”