On our recent trip to Falls Creek for the 7 Peaks Domestique Series, many of you suggested that the Falls Creek (Mt. Beauty side) climb on the site should probably cover the full 30km from Mt. Beauty to Falls Creek, rather than just the 13km or so from the bridge near Bogong to Falls.
Well, I agree, and I’ve finally done something about it. I’ve gone in and edited that page so that it’s now a guide to full climb. You can check it out here.
So why didn’t I do that in the first place? Well, my original thinking was that the flatter section between 4.2km and 16.7km from Mt. Beauty contained far too much downhill for it to be considered part of the climb: after all, it’s 12.5km at an average gradient of only 1.5%.
But, I agree it makes more sense to view it as one long climb rather than a 4.2km climb, a 12.5km undulating section and a 13.2km climb. If for no other reason than if I started breaking climbs down like that, I’d have to split Terrys Avenue in two, Dinner Plain into several chunks and, if I splitting climbs just because of short downhills, I’d also have to break Mt. Hotham down into several chunks.
Thanks to everyone that gave their feedback on this. Do let me know if there are other climbs you feel I’ve misrepresented or that I could improve my coverage of. In the meantime, stay posted for a whole swathe of new climbs in the coming weeks and months. I’m looking forward to sharing them with you all.
Perhaps it’s worth having a section under climbs for “combo climbs” for popular combos or something similar – ie The crucifix / gaffney 4 etc?
Good idea Pete! I’ve got a similar idea …
Thanks for the update Matt. Been a while since I’ve been up there, probably have to wait until later in the year now.
To be perfectly honest, you could keep going an extra 2km up the Bogong High Plains Rd and gain an extra 105m of elevational goodness…
The Falls climb starts from Bright. 😉
Haha, no.